Friday, April 16, 2010

Chapter 7-8

Chapter 7 They had to sell their house to buy a vechicle so that they could leave right away. When the family got to the car dealership, the family really didn't have much chose they just had to buy whatever car they could afford. Once the car was bought they headed off.
Chapter 8 Tom is reunited with more family members at breakfast. Granpa and Granma were excited to see Tom. Behind them is Noah, the eldest son, who is quiet and slow. At Granma's insistence, Casy says grace over the meal, although he explains he is no longer a preacher. In his prayer, he says that holiness is when all people are working together, not focused on their individual desires. Tom asks after the rest of the family members and learns that his younger brother, Al, is out chasing girls, and Rose of Sharon, his younger sister, is now married to a neighboring boy, Connie Rivers. She is in the early stages of her first pregnancy. The two youngest Joads, 10-year-old Winfield and 12-year-old Ruthie, have gone to Sallisaw with Uncle John to sell a load of household belongings. Once everything has been sold, they will have about $150 for the trip. Within a day or two, the family plans to leave for the west.

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